Thursday, June 16, 2011

Feeling gross!!!

Today I am feeling like a big fatty.  Not only do I feel it but I *SEE * it every time I walk past the mirror.  My pants were tight yesterday and I shrugged it off.  Today, I cant shrug the gross feeling.  I have said before that part of me is thankful for this feeling when it comes...because it is my cue that my weight is getting out of hand.  And therefore, my eating needs to be improved.  And that is totally the truth.  I have not been paying much mind to what I have been putting in my mouth.  That combined with the lack of (structured) running the past week has gotten me a 170 on the scale this morning.  But thats fine.  Its good that I feel uncomfortable at this weight because it tells me that I will never go back to 230+.  I wont let myself.  I have come too far, and if a few extra pounds makes me feel gross then in my opinion thats a blessing.  So my 10's and 12's are a bit snug...I get the hint...  So what am I going to do about it?  RUN!  I am going to run this weekend!  I have a few runs planned that I am excited about because they will not be in my neighborhood.  Its always nice to have a change of scenery, right?  Now that I have my new phone I will start taking more pics and share them with you all!  I always love to read blogs that have pictures for some reason.  Do you all agree?

Its time to get serious about this half marathon in October.  I can *say* I am training for it until the cows come home but until I am out there running 4-5 times a week consistently its all talk.  So, less talk and more action outta me from now on.  Having said that, I downloaded the CD that came with my Garmin running watch after reading Shelly'd blog yesterday.  Its great and I think it will really help me!  Its nice to be able to review your run when you are done.  Now...if I can just figure out how to share the screen with you I would post that on here too.  Yup, this blog is gonna start including some more pics...

Starting.....NOW   :)

Hung out with the girls in the yard in the baby pool! 

Sugar Marie hanging in the yard....

No more pics please....

Enjoying the yard without skeeters...

Limbo(sorta...I chickened out last minute)!!! Did I mention the hubs and I had a great weekend on our little getaway???

Me and my baby girls  :)

Thats all for now.  But now that I have a phone that takes decent pics I will start sharing more!  Any objections?


Shelley said...

I love the pictures - it is always so fun to see a glimpse into blogger's lives. :)

Glad you are making the rubber hit the road, so to speak, with your running. It definitely takes some discipline to force yourself to start, but I tell you what, I never regretted a run when I was done.

MB said...

No objections, the more pictures the better!

As Elvis said, "A little less conversation, a little more action." Talkng and thinking of working out never did any good. Happy trails!

Christine said...

I love the pictures too!

I am with you on the never going back.....I am so thankful when the pants start feeling tight and I take the cue.

weight loss said...

This is really a well laid out website. I like how you have presented your information with excellent detail. Keep up the great work here.

divad said...

I could have written this post Jennifer. We really do seem to live parallel lives in this journey!!! Let's get to goal now!!!!