This is an awful picture of me but we are keeping it real right? My husband is clearly much taller than I am and apparently from his angle while my legs look much smaller than they really are, my stomach and boobs look terrible. And maybe my head looks to big for my body here? hmmm.... Obviously not a good angle to take a pic..I will have to speak to him about that...haha. I can just picture him crouching down or standing on his knees to take a pic for me... Oh...and see my sports bra? I got it at the running store for $50+ dollars and let me tell you something....nothing short of duck tape would work better than this thing. Worth every single penny. Maybe I will do a post on that someday.
I have been running miles and miles and I have been proud of myself. So imagine my disgust the other day when I got on the scale to see: 178 lbs... What?!?!?!?!? That is like a 15 lb gain. Yup, 15 as in like 1 5, double digits. I have been noticing my pants have been pretty tight and that my appetite has been huge. Not to mention my 4 year old told me my belly was "jiggling" when we were shopping yesterday. Then I tried on a life jacket and it was too tight. She pipes up with "that is for smaller mommies". She is right!
I have talked in the past about how if I can get ahold of my hunger before I get to that hungry point I am much more able to keep in control of what I am eating. But once I actually get hungry its all over. The "beast" within comes out and takes over at that point. And then I eat the way the old Jen used to...I eat sweets, fatty things and whatever looks good...including fast food :( Oh...and ice cream. Ice cream has been a problem for me this season... So while I havent been eating as great as I should be, I have been running many miles a week and thought maybe it would cancel out? Apparently I was way off on that thought.
I have noticed that running has really increased my appetite so I decided that that is where I need to start *repairing* the damage. I have done yet more research online and by talking to other runners and here is what I have come up with...
*I will eat GU before(and during once I increase my miles) my runs instead of a breakfast since I seem to get cramps when I eat before running.
*I invested in some Athletes Honey Milk (thanks Shelley!!) and I cant wait for it to come in the mail. I bought a case.
*Until then I bought some other protein drinks to try for after my runs so I can hopefully recover better and get my appetite under control before reaching the very hungry out of control point. Here is what I tried today:
*I have purchased some running books on ebay, some specifically for women to see what I can learn. I am like a sponge with all this info. Heres what I ordered:
*I went out and bought some healthy foods to have in the house. That always helps.
*I am going to eat more (smaller) meals throughout the day to try to ward off the hunger.
*I am going to cut down on my ice cream intake but still allow myself some enjoyment! It is summer afterall...
*I am drinking more water.
The dr put me on steroids a couple weeks ago for a few days. I think it has messed up my monthly cycle and I am thinking that is why I have been so hungry. I usually have a few hungry days that come and go but with it being off I am thinking it has extended my hungry days. I am hoping everything goes back to normal soon...
I found myself here the other day. I am looking into some new running shoes as I seem to be having an issue on the bottom of one of my feet. Maybe a corn from all this newly applied pressure from running? I am thinking some new hardcore running shoes would benefit me regardless. I just stopped in the other day to check the place out. I will go back.
I need to restart running, you are such an inspiration and encouragement!
you will get the 15 pounds off! make sure you write down everthing you eat. its a big help
The turning stone casino has some big runs this summer in august. FYI
An inspiring story indeed, I've read a great article about Medifast Reviews that I believe that can help you as well. You can refer to this link: luck to the journey of loosing weight.
Just a warning if you are still on the steroids they cause weight gain. My mother who has always been a size 3 and weighing less than 120 took them for pneumonia and gained over 100lbs in two months. That was two years ago and shes having trouble getting the weight off. You look great though. Looking at your before and after pics you van def. See a huge difference. Keep up the good work!
You are doing awesome with your running :)
I have put 30 pounds back on! THIRTY! I am so happy you caught it at 15 and are making changes to get back on track! whoo hoo!
The 15 pounds will fall right off, keep going~!!
have a PRETTY day!
Good for you getting the miles in. Looks like you have a good "game plan" to get those extra lbs off! You can do it! When I was running a lot last year (training for my half) I always thought that the mileage would cancel out the calories. Much to my surprise I never really lost any weight during all the training. I think the smaller meals throughout the day is key, to keep the metabolism churning like a machine! Good luck!
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