Thursday, January 17, 2013

4 year olds dont have filters

This was my second week of limiting my sugar intake along with adding exercise.  The scale obviously didnt get that memo because it said I gained a pound.  But its okay.  Last week I lost 12 pounds in one week!  I have not necessarily been tracking any calories because my appetite and cravings have been well under control.  So I assumed the lack of hunger and eating lots of salads and proteins that I was on the right track.  And I probably am, even without a weight loss.  I know that exercising is good for my body and that the food I am putting in is nutritious.  So I will keep plugging along and keep trying to make good choices.  I really dont want to be tied to some plan like I always seem to be.

*Today I am thankful for:  having a part time job with flexibility

*Today's reason for losing weight:  the other day I was grocery shopping with my 4 year old.  She was between me and the cart and grabs my belly and said "this is getting big mommy".  Yup, true story....


♥ Drazil ♥ said...

Ugh - my 7 year old says stuff to me when she slaps my ass and stuff. I hate it...but it's true. Dammit. Keep on keeping on....we got this.

Kelly said...

Out of the mouths of babes....

Mrs Swan said...

Oye. I have a 4 year old too so I feel your pain on that no filter thing.

Karen said...

Oh no! Funny how they say what they want, when they want!

website said...

Brilliant read. I had fun spending time here.

divad said...

I am so glad you are still here!!!!!!!!!!!! It's like coming home seeing some of the blogs I so loved before I went AWOL and gained all my weight back! Yep, almost all 94 lbs! I am looking forward to catching up with your story!
