I admit that patience was not one of my strong points. However, I will say that over the past few years I have been forced to be more patient. There have been many situations in my life that have taken me completely out of control and I had no choice but to learn patience. And that is a good thing in my opinion. Something positive coming from crappy situations.
cute right?
Today, I was feeling a little *bored*...interesting coming from the chick who was just complaining about her new busier schedule right? How quickly we adjust. Anyway, I was pouting around the house. I was cranky. I have done my best over the last month to be patient with my ankle and inability to run and do zumba. Today, my patience ran out(did I mention it is a work in progress?). I got my workout clothes on, my ankle brace, my Ipod, and my kicks and out the door I went. I figured I had to try. I set out for a 2 mile run having no idea what to expect. Maybe I would only make it to the end of the driveway, who knew. The ankle popped a few times here and there, BUT...I made it. Two miles. I thought maybe my endurance would have dwindled, that it might be a bad running experience, that maybe I would have to even stop because I couldnt breath, or that my ankle would hurt and I would have to quit (I made myself a deal that at the first sign of pain I would stop).
I was pleasantly suprised today. And I was reminded why I love running and why I was so sad for not being able to do it for the last month. Back came my confidence, my happiness, my pride. All this from a run? Seriously? I felt like a rockstar really, and I still do right now. I was running and I had some time to myself with my tunes. And it felt better than I could have dreamed. The weather was cool, the sun wasnt out, no humidity...it was just awesome. I was in a zone.
I truly believe that everything happens for a reason. I also believe that most of those reasons we will never know. God has a plan for each of us and its difficult to understand what it is. I have liked running for a while now but I used to have a hard time getting myself out there to do it. Not being able to because of my injury has brought me a whole new appreciation for running.
Life brings crappy things to our paths sometimes and if I have learned anything over the last few years it is to try to pull the positive out of that *crap*. If we look hard enough(with the exception of death in my opinion) we can usually find something positive, even if it something little, tiny, miniscule.
Hope you all had a great weekend. I leave you with one of my favorite sayings....