Friday, August 27, 2010

Waiting and Weigh in Results (Jennifer)

Here I am in town at my parents house just waiting for my ankle to heal.  The 5k I signed up for is tomorrow and if you were to ask me if I am able to do it tomorrow I would say no.  But tomorrow is a new day and maybe I will wake up with a better ankle.  One can have hope right?  I am thinking the sprain probably isnt too bad.  It isnt really swollen and not bruised.  I can put weight on it but the turning and twisting is where the pain comes in.  Oh, and pops when I attempt to walk normal.  I guess it makes sense because when I fell I actually saw what my ankle did.  My inner ankle went up and the outer ankle went under towards the ground  :(   So after a very cranky day yesterday I have come to terms with me most likely being unable to complete the first 5k I was so excited for.  But there will be others and you better believe that I will be signing up at the first feeling of normalcy in my ankle.  But boy did I have myself a little pity party yesterday.  And it was deserved in my opinion.  I have worked so hard to get fit enough to accomplish one, and whats the chances on my final training run I bust my ankle...grrrrr.  Yup, pity party deserved.

My appts yesterday went.  I had a ultrasound lady who wasnt very nice. They never tell you anything anyway so I didnt dare ask see as she was already unpleasant. its the waiting game.  And I think for a little while I will play the "no news is good news" game. 

Weigh in yesterday:  162.  That is down about a pound from last week.  It isnt the lowest I have seen in my journey but I will take it.  I used to weigh once a week and now do it almost every day.  And it is interesting to see how much my weight can fluctuate day to day.  I am now taking a few days off from the scale while visiting my family and I think that is a good thing too.  It will be interesting to see what no exercise for a few days (ankle) does for me on the scale.  Just another part of the learning curve of my journey :)


Debbi Does Dinner Healthy said...

Let's look at the positive part of this. Now, with the potential extra training time, maybe you can enter a 10K in the spring? Of course, then you might end up in an entire body cast 2 days before.

Lesia said...

Darn take care of your ankle girl! And its not the number that counts its how all about the journey. Enjoy the loss!

JC said...

Take care of the ankle, there will be more 5k's!
I just discovered our blog and I went back and have read every entry since you started. I can relate in so many ways.
I started Medifast on June 1 and am down 34 pounds. I have also started jogging, something I have NEVER done. I a up to 1 mile, and have done 1 mile for each of the last 5 days. :)
I totally get what you mean about the scale, I have fluctuated 4 pounds in the last 2 days :) Thanks for keeping me on track!

Jennifer said...

Debbi- you are hilarious! But probably right!!!

Jennifer said...

Jill- welcome! So glad you can relate and you like the blog! Keep up the good work and watch your exercise level while on MF so your losses don't stop like mine did! Your progress is great!

Jennifer said...

Jill- welcome! So glad you can relate and you like the blog! Keep up the good work and watch your exercise level while on MF so your losses don't stop like mine did! Your progress is great!

Ann Summerville said...

I'm sorry the race doesn't look good for you - I know you had been looking forward to it.
162 is great. As your blog says, it's a journey. Take care of your ankle.

divad said...

Yay for a pound down and rest up! Sorry about your 5K honey...I can't imagine how disappointed you are.

Lesia said...

Blog award for you on my blog...Come get it!

divad said...

I left you an award on my blog tonight.