Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Some pics (Jennifer)

Today I pushed through a 3 mile run...5k!!!  Yaaay!  Thats seven miles this week so far, which I think is good since I hadnt run in over a month.  I am really trying to get back into this before the weather gets all nasty for winter.  I love running in the fall.  No humidity, a little chill in the air...its just great :)  

Today I took a walk down memory lane.  And to my surprise there were a lot of emotions that popped up that I hadnt expected.  My life is so different now, and it has been so long since I have even looked at these pictures.  But as are some before pics(and these ones are true "before"' pics).  The ones on the front page of the blog are me already down some weight.  So, here you go....
me and my brother.

me on the left, Trish on the right

do I really need to comment? 

Okay....enough of that.  I realized that I really dont have too many newer pics of myself.  But I will post the ones I do have.  I am usually the picture taker...  Here's what I have:

So there you have it.  Before and now.

Today's reason for losing weight:
Self confidence.  I have already gained some back but there is a long way to go.

Today I am thankful for:
I had *some* self confidence while jogging past the construction men.  It was a long way from where I was a year ago when merely walking past any group of people probably would have made me feel ashamed of myself.  There is still room for improvement in this area but I am getting there.


Mom to the Fourth Power said...

Jennifer!! You are so beautiful!
Wow, in your current pics you can see your happiness and you LOOK fit and healthy. I'm SO glad for you and how far you have come. And the old you is a hero because she had the courage to change her life!!


Karen said...

Looking good! I took one of those pics....the one with the you and the girls on the carousel! I remember that! Jen, looking at the before pictures and then the's amazing. Be proud of yourself!!

Karen said...

Oh, and why don't I remember the long hair???

Lesia said...

great pictures...I have noticed a big difference in how people (men mostly) treat me now that I am thinner. It makes me mad cause I am the same person as I was 65 pounds ago.

I wonder if I do that with heavy people that I come across. They seem to be nicer to me now. I smell a blog post coming...LOL

divad said...

Gorgeous!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Incredible. I love it! The photo of you in the purple shirt is my favourite. You don't look like you have another pound to lose in it! I'm so happy for you Jennifer!

Jessica said...

WOW! Great Before and After Pics :)

Sue said...

Jennifer Sue, I just don't remember you ever being that chunky!! I guess a mother sees the inner person. I am so proud of how you have pulled yourself out of your rut and actually living your life and not everybody else's. You have inspired ME to take a few "jogging steps" while I'm out walking Peyton Otis. I love you and miss you. Mom

Laura said...

Wow, you look so different! How great to have these pictures to show how much you've done!

I love the confidence bit! I've never had too much of a confidence issue and never got treated any differently by men or women, but these days when I wear clothes that make me feel frumpy, I have zero confidence. It's sad.

99ToGo said...

Look at you!!!! You're doing so well, and I'm glad to get to 'watch' as you move toward your goal :)

Polar's Mom said...

You are so dang cute! Even when you were heavy, but your eyes just shine now!! Good for you! I can't wait to look back on 'before' pics-that is if I ever let anyone take any! It's sad that I have lost memories and years because of being fat...

Polar's Mom

Bring Pretty Back said...

YOU ARE SOOOOO PRETTY!! congrats on your weight loss!
Have a pretty day!

Christine said...

I just came over here to your blog and can tell what I will be doing for a bit today....reading back on your blog to get to know you better.

Awesome progress, you have done amazing!!!

Thanks for stopping by my blog.

Hailey said...

Wow, you are a true inspiration!!! You look amazing, and in your pictures you can tell how happy you are! :)

Jess said...

I LOVE before and after pics. They just tell the story, don't they! All that hard work! My fave is the one with you and Barney...look at your toned arms and tiny waist...and I also like the one in the pumpkin patch!
Thanks for sharing.

Great idea...your reason to lose weight, etc. at the bottom of each post! Perfect!

Debbi Does Dinner Healthy said...

Excellent!! Isn't it great to have those photos? I am ALWAYS the picture taker so I don't have any before shots of me, barely any at least. Good for you! Keep it up!

Jen said...



Raegun said...

You look like a completely new person. Just gorgeous! Congrats on all of your success, including the 5k run. Wow - that is a goal that I'm working towards right now. It's great to see it CAN be done. :)

Tricia said...

I do not have to tell you how terrific you look, not that I ever thought you looked bad to begin with. I am so proud of you for all of the hard work and effort you have put into your weight loss and how you have stuck with it for so long. I am happy to see the changes in you and the difference that it has made on the relationship between you and the girls. Keep it up, I will always support you and be there..even though it might not seem like it sometimes. I am sorry I didnt get to see you run this morning, I wish I could have been cheering you on with Ron, the girls, and your mom! (hehe...your mom!--word)