Tuesday, September 28, 2010

WW? (Jennifer)

I dont have much to report today which isnt all that bad.  No drama = good   :)    I got on the scale this morning and it said 161.8.  I flirt with 161 now and then but never get to stay there for longer than a day.  I am still counting calories and making healthy choices when eating.  And I feel good about that.  Part of me is debating whether or not to get back into WW.  But I would most likely do it on my own.  At least it would give me a good guideline to go by.  I realize that this is where I struggle.  It isnt necessary eating bad foods because, shockingly, I seem to have that under control these days.  Its more or less trying to figure out how much to eat per day for my body at this weight.  So it may be WW in the near future.  I have always been a believer in the program but never had the control to do it properly.  But I think I may benefit from it at this stage of the game.

I am thinking about getting into the old pics I have of me and doing some befores and afters.  I havent seen many pics of me since before my weight loss so this oughta be interesting.  I hope I can look and really see a difference.  Sometimes, even though it is 65 lbs I really struggle to see the difference in the mirror. Odd right?  Still have the big girl mentality.  So anyway, when I get the hard drive out and go through 1000's of pictures I will post the ones that give me that "wow" feeling.  Stay tuned.

Today's reason for losing weight:
At one point I posted my reason for losing to be so I could wrap a normal size towel around me after a shower.  Not one of those big girl towels that I had bought but the kind at my moms house...regular sized towels.  I am happy to tell you that I accomplished this goal!  And there was way less of a peep show going on too!  My next goal:  closing down the peep show all together...

Today I am thankful for:
One of the moms at my daughters dance class who told me she cant imagine that I was ever that overweight.  Another one of those thoughts that hits you like a brick... 


Lesia said...

You and I are so much alike. I am down 65 pounds too. I still do a double look in the mirror cause mentally I am still 210 pounds. Call us CRAZY!!

Karen said...

Yes, get those pictures out! You deserve to "wow" yourself, you really do! Woo Hoo!!

Blubeari said...

I have never thought about the towel thing. Add that to my list of reasons. ;-)

DiZneDiVa said...

I will add the regular sized towel thing to my bucket list... *Maria*-blogger from "This one time at BAND Camp..." Follow my journey at mybigfatbandgeeklife.blogspot.com

Bob said...

I never though about the towels, but my thing is to shop in a "Regular Size Store".

Shane G. said...

Ok I am brand new to your blog, but this one post automatically makes me like you! And as far as the I know I have lost weight but can't "see" it, yeah I get that. I have lost 42 pounds over the last couple of months and I see that I look thinner, but still, in my minds eye, it doesn't register at all. I was told to post a before and after pic and it will help but the problem I have now is wardrobe related. I have nothing but my 3x shirts right now which kinda hide the fact I am losing. and I will be damned if I am gonna post a no shirt picture!

Miz said...

I adore your moment of thankfullnessment :)
Im off to focus on mine.

Ron said...

Now let's not go too crazy! You still gotta leave a little sneak peak for Steve! LOL:-) You know only I would go and say something like that that's why you LOVE me! You are right now laughing and shaking your head, reaching for your phone to text/reprimand me:-)

Laura said...

Even though I've still got a long way to go, I have lost over 40 pounds, and looking in the mirror, I can't tell any difference. oh sure, my stomach muscles can pull in and slightly mimic a six-pack (on rolls), I can't see any slimmer difference. It's hard to remember sometimes, how successful I've actually been.

Love the lack of towel gap! Someday my regular sized towel will completely close too!

Kimberly said...

Jennifer...I don't know how you found my blog, but I'm so glad you did. I wanted to come by for a visit. I love your blog!!! You're a true inspiration. And by the way, the reason I do WW is for the reason you mentioned. It's a wonderful program.

I had to laugh when I read about the 'towel' because I've had that same thought myself. I'm a long way from closing off the peep show however!!! Oh my!!!

Your newest follower,