Thursday, November 4, 2010

Protein bar (Jennifer)

Today I went to the store looking to purchase some protein bars.  It is another change that I am making along with upping the calories and my newly set goals.  I figure if I can have one as my mid morning snack I might not be so hungry the rest of the day, and its also a good way to add some calories that are benficial to my body.  I have been tired lately.  And I have to say that today, despite my trouble sleeping last night, I had more energy.  I dont know if it is from the protein bar or just a coincidence.  But whichever, it feels good not to be exhausted.

The protein bar I bought is called "Pure Protein".  It has 20 grams of protein and 180 calories.  It was the first I tried of the many different ones I bought to sample.  And I have to say I am shocked it was so good. I had the Chocolate Deluxe flavor.  The consistency was enjoyable for me.  It was thick, chewy, chocolatey, and down right tasty.  I almost feel like I had to *work* to eat it, yet I enjoyed every second.  And, it was a good size bar that left me satisfied!  Whoo hoo! I am not sure how any of the other ones could possibly come even close I enjoyed it so much!

I totally wish I could review products for a living.  I love to do this stuff.  If anyone has any connections for how I could get into something like this please let me know! 

Today's reason for losing weight:
* to lose as much of my lower stomach as possible.  This is definately my problem area, and is a big part of my self image issue.  Two c-sections didnt help the situation any either.  It has gotten much better than it was but there is much room for improvement.

Today I am thankful for:
*My renewed committment.  Today and yesterday I worked out with Tony Little.  It felt great.  The muscles ache and I am excited!  Aching means progress!  Oh...and remember a few months back I did that weight training class at the gym that left me like unable to MOVE for like 4 days?  I am actually excited to try it again...tomorrow morning!  Wish me luck...



Kelly said...

Jennifer, this is too funny! We are on the same wavelength! hehe.

Christine said...

I hear you on the lower stomache area issue....after 6 pregnancies and one c-section...oh, I hate thinking about it.
I have issues with a yeast infection almost monthly along my incision line too...ouchie!!!

I have too avoid any kind of bar because I end up binging on me!!! They would be handy to have around for a quick meal replacement but I know my limitations and can't keep them in the house!

The Fat Mom said...

I've tried a couple of products with protein in it (shakes, bars, blah blah blah) but I can't ever get over the taste. Does it have that throw up, run over by a gas tanker taste? I would love something to eat for a snack in the afternoon. Mornings are no big deal but it seems like I eat/snack ALOT after lunch.

Mom to the Fourth Power said...

That bar sounds so yummy! Yay for your new idea and change in your calories/eating. Best of luck and God bless!!!


Bethanny said...

I want to review tacos.

Jessica said...

Thanks for the review. I may have to pick one of those up. Do you remember the cost?

Jen said...

I'm going to look for that bar! I need ones that have substance to them.


Jess said...

I'm going to have to try them. I'm always looking for new yummy "diet" food...I have to keep my eats interesting or I get too bored and tempted to cheat.

Debbi Does Dinner Healthy said...

I think thee are the same bars that my brother just bough. He just tried them and told me how good they were.

I know what you mean about reviewing products! My friend and I always say that we want to do that for a living! How fun would that be!