Saturday, May 22, 2010

All confused. And a little stressed (Jennifer)

We had a nice fire in the yard last night with some friends which was nice. But we went to bed pretty late and for some reason I was wide awake around 6:00 this morning. So here I am...

Yesterday I made a decision. I made the decision to stay on Medifast but to ATTEMPT to alter it to a way that will work best for me. Obviously when I exercise the weight doesnt come off. I either gain or lose just a little. And over the past several weeks when I account for my gain last week the scale hasnt budged much. After compiling my thoughts, feelings, and research, and you better believe I did my research, I came up with this. I am enjoying exercising and I dont want to part with it. I for the first time in I think ever I am enjoying exercise and I am capable. Mostly I am capable of it mentally. I always had a mental block that EXERCISE=EVIL. haha. But anyway, I figured there has to be a way to alter this plan to make it work for me. Or at least attempt to. So I have decided to add a few more calories into my diet while still following the plan itself. I am going to attempt something like the 4 and 2 plan(which actually does exist)instead of the 5 and 1 plan. So for lunch yesterday I had salad with chicken in it. Pretty much a second lean and green. I will keep up with the exercise since I feel it is good for my body and mind. I hope to benefit from the extra calories and also from the extra veggies with the hope of helping my digestive "issue". And while I have made this decision and started with it yesterday, I am scared. Stressed. Confused. Even though I did my research and tried to think this through I am scared I made the wrong choice. But it is just a week of deviation and if it doesnt work I will go back to MF 5 and 1. But only the scale will tell come Thursday.

Have a nice weekend everyone!


Hollie said...


When I was on Medifast, my nutritionist actually suggested that I do the 4+2 plan... which is 4 medifast meals and 2 lean and greans... when I started exercising a lot. It will put you at about 1200 calories per day. I have an email with the details if you would like me to forward it to you. My email address is skinnyhollie at gmail dot com.

Winner at a Losing Game said...

Don't worry about the deviation. Hollie is right. There is a 4 and 2 for those who exercise a lot. You could call and talk to the nutritionist I am pretty sure. I have had the same experience. Also in the bathroom. I use stool softeners to help. There are several on the market. There are all kinds of fiber supplements too. I know we are eating a lot of fiber on the plan, but I find that doesn't do it for me. Good luck and keep me posted.

Lesia said...

Wishing you success on your new plan:)