Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Ladies (Teresa)

Jennifer great post. I am shocked and cannot wait to see the bathing suit. I remember a conversation we had not to long ago about how you need to leave your comfort zone when it comes to clothing because your shape has really changed and it sounds like you did just that....nice! Keep up the good work. I heard your voice in my head today saying. " I am 210 pounds I have not been this weight in sooooo long" and now you are flirting with 160's I am so proud of you. It makes me feel like I can do the same. I have spent my whole life thinking "I could never weigh that______" (insert any # under 180) and now I know that I can. Since I have known you we have always taken comfort in being big together. What I mean by that is that we could make jokes, relax and eat a slobbish amount of food and then go back for more. While there is something really great about that I am really glad that we are saying goodbye. Now I feel comfort in reading your blogs and talking to you about how we are going to become healthier people body and mind. Now that is not to say that I have totally given up on the thought of going to the outback for some gooey cheese fries and a blooming onion and some great conversation , but all in good time and in moderation. Thank you for supporting me!!!

Tricia~ We all go through times when we are not in a good place. But let me tell you that I am so proud of you and all that you have done for yourself. You may not feel like you are in a good place but you are absolutely in a better place than you were 50 pounds ago...even if it doesn't feel that way. When we go through these down times (especially on a weight loss journey) it is very important to keep in close contact with your inner self. You need to ask yourself what you are feeling and try really hard to find a way to deal with the feelings without turning to food. I think times like these are the times that have been the hardest for people like us. Food allows you to hide feelings and emotions, and I know I felt so naked when food was not there to cover everything up. Maybe it is time to go back and read through your early blogs. Read them and remember why it is you decided to begin this journey. Look at all you have been through, maybe it will give you a clear vision of where you are going. I mean seriously did you ever think that you would lose 50 pounds in 13 weeks?!?!?!? That is amazing!!! I envy you!! I am also on week 13 and I am down a whopping 23 pounds.... I think your journey has been a bit more satisfying!!! You go girl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Jennifer said...

Teresa-this post is just awesome in so many ways. It is motivating and sweet and made me want to give you a big hug. I do miss you guys and cant wait to see you again! I too feel so happy that we are on the same journey to lose weight and get healthy. Not just for us but for our children. I am proud of you because I can hear in MY head you saying "I am just not in a place where this is serious for me yet". And here you are. You are serious. And I am proud of you. I was sitting here with a big old smile on my face reading about the Outback thing because that is our place! So many things have changed over the ___ years we have known each other(has it been over 10 years??????????????) but our friendship just gets stronger through the years. I feel honored to have you and Trish to help me though my weight loss journey...and just about everything else in my life for that matter :) 23 lbs is a great accomplishment. Keep up the hard work and remember that every day is a learning lesson :) Thanks for always being there for me, and you know I am always here for you.

Tricia said...

Teresa, that was so nice! Thank you so much for your kind words. I know when things get tough, you and Jennifer are there going through the same crisis and cravings as I am. Thanks for all of the support! I can't tell you how happy I am for you and your 23lbs! you are on your way to your goal and I hope you reach it!