Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Legs Shaking (Jennifer)

I was feeling a lack of motivation to exercise tonight. Really, I have been feeling sluggish all day. Yesterday I mentioned how my little girl has croup. Well, last night was awful. Her fever got to 105 last night after we saw the dr...and this was with the Motrin. The stress sank in. We spoke with the dr and gave her a lukewarm bath, some ice cold drink and the fever came down a bit. But I didnt sleep well last night being worried and checked on her all night. She was better today but me...I dont function well without my proper sleep. But I knew that I promised myself that I would work out with Tony Little 4 times this week. I have done it three before tonight. Thank God for this blog because it holds me accountable. So I figured I would do it tonight or tomorrow night since Thursday is weigh in. And since my husband is home and he loves to work out with Mr Little I decided tonight would be better. But...I didnt feel like it...at all. So on came the "poor attitude" as my husband sometimes calls it...haha. I have had the attitude all day and even Trish said I was cranky after just reading an email from me :( Anyway...It was an internal battle in my head. I want this (the good results) but dont want to put in the hard work. But I went and found the dvd since I decided to do his second DVD in the series to change it up a bit. Its a little longer and somewhat different. A change of pace is good I figured. So Steven told me to get that look off my face(it was a total pout/cranky face that I didnt even realize I was doing) and off we went with Tony Little. WOW!!! Even though I know I didnt give my 100% because I was so darn tired it must have worked me hard because my legs are shaking! Like jello. It must have been those lunges. I HATE LUNGES and usually am not very capable of completing them correctly. I fall to one side or the other but tonight managed to do a little better than usual. I felt accomplised when I was done but this time I just felt more drained instead of my usual energized feeling.

This morning when we got up I was totally exhausted. I asked Steven if he minded if I went back to bed for a little while. He is an awesome dad and said sure, he could handle it. I went back to bed and when I got back up it was almost 11:00. I NEVER do that. Even when the kids are with my parents for a weekend I am not capable of sleeping in. I must have been totally exhausted. Having said that...I didnt have my first meal until 11:00 today. So my meals were less spaced out today and I was way less hungry. A new concept for me :) I didnt feel too deprived today I assume because of this. Tonight after our workout I had a new shake(for me)...the banana one. I got it "by accident" but I totally love it! I cant wait to order them in my next order. It was sweeter and has that fake banana taste I love. It tasted like banana flavored candy :) I love candy...

Today's reason for losing weight:
*I want the bath towels at my moms house to fit all the way around me. Not just the top, but the WHOLE towel. The towels as my house do as I must have bought "big girl" towels and never had an issue. But the towels at my moms house are smaller and show a little more than I would like.


Karen said...

Haha, I had to laugh at the towel thing because I know EXACTLY what you mean. It's like a peep show down there-haha.

sdf said...

We often make excuses when it comes to losing weight. Because of this, we stop ourselves from doing our diet routine, gain more weight and get disappointed in the end. How do you stop making those weight loss excuses? You make many weight loss excuses and it automatically comes in without realizing it.

Anonymous said...

Jen, You are an inspiration to all of us trying to lose weight. If you want a boost just take a long hard look in the mirror,,, your face, neck, stomach, arms...all shrinking down due to your HARD work! Put a few old pics of yourself up around the kitchen to remind yourself of how far you have come.

mom said...

Anonymous... that would be me! Soon you will fit in my towels!!

A. Ripped said...

The towel thing was really funny. To motivate yourself you don't need any ideas or any help. Just believe in yourself and what you do, that's it. Nothing else is required.

Jennifer said...

I am glad you all are appreciating the towel thing :) These are the little things(and there are many) that will keep me motivated A. Ripped...you are right. Today I went for a walk/jog and even though I didnt want to go when I was done I felt so good about me.

Tricia said...

Hahahaha, Jennifer! I have little towels at home too. Just last week I showed Nate how the ends overlapped at the top now. Can't wait for that to happen at the bottom!