Thursday, March 25, 2010

Trying to keep pace (Teresa)

Well I went to the gym again yesterday and there is something about working out and tanning that can really make a girl happy. I have been all off schedule this week. My aunt was in the hospital so Shea had to make the rounds at the grandparents houses while we went off to work. Just a little glitch in the schedule can really mess with your timing! Anyway my aunt is better and things are back to normal so packing my lunches will be much easier now! I have decided to do ww hardcore until the end of April. If I am not down a good amount (30 lbs would be nice) I am going to suck it up and start Medifast. I really want to lose weight I want to wear a bikini this summer! Perhaps shop at Victoria Secrets without everyone wondering what my fat ass is doing in there and further more what I will fit in! Tricia and Jen I am so proud of you both!!! Jen you look great and Tricia I cannot wait to see you!!! And you wear whatever you want girl!! My reason for wanting to lose weight today is: I want to to be the one who looks good naked rather than everyone else.

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Rock on with your bad self!!!